The Breezers Ball!

Created as a thank you to Waltham from its “Breezers”—people who’ve moved into town from elsewhere—the Ball proved to be a popular event at which folks can dress up and dance and have a lot of fun at the end of winter. Everyone who loves Waltham is invited, Breezers and natives alike!

8F8I9718The Breezers Ball started in 2014 when a group of us Breezers (who lived in Waltham for over 30 years but weren’t born and raised here) wanted to give back to the City we had grown to love.  We may have breezed in but we’ve put down roots, raising kids and running businesses here, and we wanted to thank Waltham for being such a great place to live and work.  What better way to say thanks than to throw a great party?  

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